Category Archives: Interaction

Generator x

A curatorial platform exploring the use of generative strategies and software processes in digital art, architecture and design. It focuses on a new generation of artists and designers who embrace code as a way of producing new forms of creative expression.


Design and the Elastic Mind (MoMA)

The landmark exhibition Design and the Elastic Mind explores the reciprocal relationship between science and design in the contemporary world by bringing together design objects and concepts that marry the most advanced scientific research with attentive consideration of human limitations, habits, and aspirations. The exhibition highlights designers ability to grasp momentous changes in technology, science, and historychanges that demand or reflect major adjustments in human behaviorand translate them into objects that people can actually understand and use. This Web site presents over three hundred of these works, including fifty projects that are not featured in the gallery exhibition.


Maker Faire

Build, CRAFT, hack, play, MAKE. Maker Faire is a two-day, family-friendly event that celebrates the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mindset. Its for creative, resourceful people of all ages and backgrounds who like to tinker and love to make things.

via’s Emotion Fractal

A great site of recreational computation, generative art, mathematics, and open source Flash projects. Commercial free open source since 2012.

“The animal body does not act as a thermodynamic engine … consciousness teaches every individual that they are, to some extent, subject to the direction of his will. It appears therefore that animated creatures have the power of immediately applying to certain moving particles of matter within their bodies, forces by which the motions of these particles are directed to produce derived mechanical effects.” – Lord Kelvin

Emotion Fractal via


TroikArt is Troika’s experimental playground. It serves as a playground to develop and test innovative approaches and ideas, as well as providing Troika with a platform for Art.



Pixelsumo is a site devoted to sonic art, audiovisual fusion, physical interaction, open source technologies, hacking video game culture, responsive environments & installations.


World Usability Day

Fumbling haplessly while trying to open a compact disc or a packet of ham? November 3 is World Usability Day. Usability is the secret to making things work better.

“The world has so far to go in making technology usable” – Tom Stewart, Usability expert.

via and

Visual Thesaurus

The Visual Thesaurus takes a unique, and remarkably beautiful, approach to presenting the results of a word lookup. Discover and learn from nearly 140,000 words, meanings and relationships.


nothing media lab

“we are a multidisciplinary design agency formed by extraterrestrial life forms.”

“next to exploring new worlds and galaxies in outer space we work on projects from electronic media to print media, from multimedia to crossmedia. nothing is like the way we go: we are what we like to be: passionate, free and young. we are addicted to our work and we love our lightspeed rocket spaceship.”


Scott Sona Snibbe

Scott Snibbe is a pioneer in interactive art, interactive music, digital video, and gestural user interfaces. Snibbe is currently the founder and CEO of the social music video startup Eyegroove. His previous company produced interactive music apps, including the world’s first app album Björk: Biophilia, which was acquired by New York MoMA as the first app in its art and design collection. Snibbe began his career as one of the early developers of After Effects (acquired by Adobe), and worked at Interval Research Corporation on interactive music, cinema, and haptics research projects.

via Jakob Nielsen’s Website

“Usable” information technology – includes ‘Voodoo Usability’. Dr. Jakob Nielsen established the “discount usability engineering” movement for fast and cheap improvements of user interfaces and has invented several usability methods, including heuristic evaluation. He holds 79 United States patents, mainly on ways of making the Internet easier to use.


On Xerox, Apple, and Progress

“…user interface design must be driven by deep architectural issues and not just new graphical appearances: interfaces are structure, not image.”
Bruce Horn (co-creator of the Macintosh)


Peter Greenaway

Peter Greenaway wants to create a re-presentation of the painting of the Nightwatch called Nightwatching as an act of theatre, treating the event of the painting as a theatrical activity of players, costumes, props, light, sound and dialogue set in a highly technical, innovating and creative installation; a combination of art and technology designed for an attentive audience that will be intrigued by a world of light and moving images and the single frozen moment.


Interactive Architecture

Interactive Architecture is an illustration of the concept that digital projections can interact with the surfaces upon which they are projected. G.R.L. is proud to introduce Agent Watson; specialising in British ninja tactics and particle systems.
