NZUni Talent
NZUni Talent is a recruitment website designed for employers to advertise graduate vacancies, internships, volunteering opportunities or entry-level roles to students and graduates across all NZ universities simultaneously.
Unlike other local job boards such as Seek, Jora, Indeed, TradeMe or Job Monster, NZUni Talent is the only job board with direct access to the platforms that the Universities are using to prepare graduates for their careers (with built-in services such as CV scanning, AI-based interview training, and skills training).
Employer access is an existing configurable component of the Access Group Career Development solution – the flexible platform that many Universities use to develop & measure student employability. With some minor development work, we were able to extend the platform to facilitate a targeted and hierarchical advertising revenue opportunity.
Jobs posted to the network by approved employers can be targeted to students (who are already using these established University employability sites to prepare for employment after graduation). Students are keen to apply for these suitable jobs and can follow specific companies to see new roles as they are published.
Employers could now advertise their roles and raise brand awareness to a captive audience of early talent. A promotional website was required in order to monetise this opportunity and market it to potential New Zealand employers.
I designed and developed a WordPress-powered CMS incorporating the client’s branding (including powerful SEO tools) to explain the tiered pricing model and drive employer self-registrations.
Following registration, the NZUni Talent sales team follows up to facilitate the creation of employer profiles (for increased company visibility) and job posts. Additional development was done to the Abintegro Career Development Platform to allow direct payments, provide enhanced reporting, and a centralised job management system (so a single job could be shared with multiple universities without needing to be created individually).
In the first 18 months since launching in June 2021:
- 84,000 job views and 18,000 job applications for 3,000 jobs
- 2,600 companies
- 1,100 employers (over 200% increase) and 132 employer profiles
- 42,000 website views and 15,000 unique visitors
- generating 3x initial ROI each month